Trophy 15
Entrance to the ventilation shaft
Required gadgets: electric charge
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy is in a room in the eastern part of the fourth level of the shaft. Find the ventilation shaft northwest of the collectible and follow it. After you move to the other side, prepare an electric charge and use it on the generator. You need to rotate the metal structure so that the ball reaches the green hole (fortunately, it's not that difficult).
Trophy 16
The trophy is located at the bottom of the elevator shaft
Mandatory gadgets: -
Trophy Walkthrough: The trophy is marked on the map as one of the collectibles at the fifth level, but, in fact, you should start at the southern part of the fourth level (close to the rabbit's equipment). Here, find the vertical elevator shaft and jump down to get to the collectible.
Trophy 17
Spray the explosive gel on the weakened wall after the elevator ride.
Required gadgets: electric charge, explosive gel
Trophy Passage: Get to the northeastern part of the fourth level of the mine and enter the elevator. Use the electric charge on the generator to climb to a higher level. Here you will find a weakened wall on which you need to spray an explosive gel. Behind the wall you will find a trophy .
Trophy 18
After exiting the elevator, check the area on the left
Mandatory gadgets: -
Trophy Walkthrough: The trophy is on the ground next to the elevator, which you will find on the level between four and five.
Trophy 19
The trophy is located on the roof of the bar
Required gadgets: batclaw
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy is located on the roof of a small bar in the northern part of the fifth level of the shaft. Get it using batclaw.
Trophy 20
Crack the tower before you go to the plate
Mandatory gadgets: remote hacking device, Batarang with remote control
Trophy passage: Get to the western part of the fifth level, i.e. the area where the turret is located. Hack the turret using a remote hacking device to disable it for thirty seconds. Quickly go to the pressure plate, which opens a small ventilation shaft.
After you have thrown the Batarang for the second time, you need to direct it into electrical discharges on the shaft.
Throw the remote-controlled batarang into the shaft and point it at the question mark on the shaft. Then drop it again. This time, after you control the batarang in the mine, it must cross the electrical discharges. After that, fly on a Batarang to the hacked tower. Namely, you need to put it in the fuse box next to the tower. Now you can go for the trophy. Dive deep into the mesmerizing realm of playtech slots and witness gaming excellence.