Whether it’s old or new, we keep your top drive online – providing inspections, repair and servicing. Our experienced team supports you in the field, troubleshooting and responding to rig down situations.
We also carry out workshop based five yearly overhauls to exacting standards, utilising long developed proprietary work instructions that meet or exceed manufacturer standards.
As part of five yearly maintenance, we’ll complete detailed strip down and inspection of your top drive, including main shaft, rotating head assembly, gearbox assembly, link tilt assembly, counterbalance, torque arrestor and pipe handler. We’ll then inspect your swing or retract dolly and assess your motor, pumps, cooling system and electrical components. We’ll make detailed repairs where required, to exacting standards.
Any machining or welding will be carried out by RigQuip API Q2 quality system controlled facilities. We’ll provide all of the required spares parts you need, RigQuip approved ahead of reassembly. We can then test your top drive and reinstall and commission on site. We’ll do all of this and provide you with a warranty the same as the manufacturer.
At RigQuip we strive to be the world’s best drilling equipment aftermarket service provider. We understand downtime costs you money and it’s imperative to your business that drilling equipment maintenance goes as planned. We provide you the reassurance you need that your equipment has been expertly inspected, repaired, serviced and recertified to exacting standards. That’s why we’re the world’s first API Q2 certified drilling equipment service organisation.
We review our client’s past service, maintenance and operational records.
Our highly-trained drilling equipment technicians carry out complete disassembly and detailed inspection of the equipment against RigQuip, API Q2, and where applicable other API manufacturing standards. We do this utilising rigorous proprietary work instructions from RigQuip’s extensive technical library.
Detailed inspection reports are produced by our technicians and reviewed by our industry veteran drilling equipment technical authorities. A summary report is then generated and reviewed with client, including recommendations.
Where required any repairs are expertly carried out in house or by RigQuip approved vendors under RigQuip supervision, again to the appropriate technical standards utilising preparatory work instructions.
Rebuild Equipment is then meticulously rebuilt by our technicians in accordance, with supervision from technical authorities in accordance with RigQuip, API Q2, and where applicable other API manufacturing standards. Only RigQuip approved spare parts and expendables are utilised to ensure precise equipment operation and reliability.
Equipment is function tested to ensure complete functionality as designed and RigQuip cooperates with third parties as required for any third party release.
Equipment released with RigQuip Certificate of Conformity (COC) and documentation pack